VFX Gear Kits Rental

As an accomplished VFX Supervisor, I have curated a selection of gear that embodies the pinnacle of on-set efficiency and precision. Each kit available for rent, from the comprehensive 360º HDRI setups, essential for capturing realistic environmental lighting, to the high-fidelity texture and photogrammetry equipment, the versatile witness cameras by GoPro and Blackmagic, the meticulous in-camera reference tools, robust turn-tables for detailed object scanning, professional studio lights, portable high-powered computing, mobile cart and field desks, to the indispensable VFX data wrangling essentials and tracking consumables, has been field-tested by me in the most demanding of production environments. This is not just rental gear; this is the professional standard, the very equipment I rely on to deliver the artistry and technical excellence that drives my career as a VFX Supervisor.

–Victor Perez,VFX Supervisor

Discounts & Special Prices

If you require a kit for over 3 weeks or you require more than one kit please contact us and we will arrange a special price for you base on your needs and the needs of your project.

3rd Floor

207 Regent Street



United Kingdom